Mumblings on a Monday 7 (on a Tuesday)

I’ve got the post-weekend blues. 

  • Race season in North America is here: While lots of folks seem to think that the North American race season doesn’t really start until next month’s St. Anthony’s Triathlon in the Tampa Bay area, the reality is that Race season really got officially off the matt with this past weekend’s Rev3 race down in Costa Rica and that other brand’s race in Puerto Rico.  Many folks in the northern part of the US or in Canada may not want to venture into a lake for an open water swim in March or April, but in the southern part of the country, things are primed and ready to go.  The first “big” local race here in NE Florida is this weekend, and the remainder of the local races kick off in just about three weeks.  It’s time for racing!
  • Near Death Experiences:  I had two of these over the past weekend.  You see, it’s really pretty simple to understand why.  Last week, my oldest child turned 15.  In my state, you’re allowed to get your driver’s learner’s permit on your 15th birthday – and she did.  We went driving not once, but twice this past weekend, hence the near death experiences.  Actually, she did fairly well – with the exception of having a fondness for stopping very quickly and taking corners at mach two.  I think I have whiplash now.
  • Return of Mr. No-Shoulders:  Who is “Mr. No-Shoulders” you may ask?  Well….he’s a snake.  Not just one snake, either.  That’s a name I give to any snake I see.  You see, I not only dislike snakes, I loathe them.  I know they are beneficial and all, and I suppose I don’t mind the cute little non-poisonous kind.  Florida, though, is the home to every type of venomous snake we have in America.  Rattlesnakes.  Copperheads.  Water moccasins.  Even the cobra-like Coral snake.  We even have a pint-sized killer called a Pigmy Rattlesnake.  This is the time of year when snakes typically make their first appearance.  This past weekend I saw not one, but two snakes.  Granted one was dead in the road, and perhaps only 6 inches long.  The other, however, was easily a couple of feet long, and was in my YARD! 
  • T-Minus 6 days:  Until Rev3 starts their Run Across America and I start my 21 day “virtual run”.  I’ll be running every day that the Rev3 crew is out on the road crossing the good ‘ole USA.  While I’m not going to run 3000+ miles, I’m targeting 100 miles.  You can still donate to the cause; Rev3 is raising money for the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults.  Click here to donate.  Beginning next week, I’ll be adding posts about my “run across America” and links to blog posts from the Rev3 team.
  • Bike maintenance:  I spent some time this weekend working on my bike.  I’ve gotten really proficient at removing cassettes from one set of wheels and putting them on another set of wheels.  Now it’s time for me to replace my chain.  I’m going to do it myself (it’s really not that difficult).  The question of the day, though, is this:  do you do your own maintenance on your bike, or do you take it to a bike shop?  What’s your rationale for either?

3 thoughts on “Mumblings on a Monday 7 (on a Tuesday)

  1. Yay, for the start of the race season. I am so excited for it all. Though, I am not liking the cooler weather we have today. I want the 70’s back!

    I don’t like snakes either but luckily we don’t see that many and we only have rattlers.

    Have a great time with your run! I am so excited for Rev 3. They are doing a great thing!

    FYI, I have the bike shop or my best friend do my bike maintenance. I am not mechanical at all!

  2. Take it to the bike shop. While I am an engineer and could probably figure out everything that needs to be done, I’m just not willing to risk screwing up a critical piece of equipment.

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